22 Sep
Changes, changes…
Since we last posted there have been a lot of changes at Prompt Proofing. We’ve been MIA for a few months as far as our blog is concerned and the changes we’ve experienced this past summer are part of the reason for this. We’ve moved By far the biggest change at our end is that… Continue reading
11 Mar
Spring is in The Air
This coming weekend marks the beginning of Daylight Saving Time for much of North America – an event that is generally seen as a precursor for spring. In fact, here on Canada’s west coast, spring is already well underway with flowers and blossom blooming valiantly, even if the temperatures are still a little chilly… And… Continue reading
03 Mar
Finding Your Niche
By now, you’ve likely heard all the buzzwords. “Find your niche”; “Identify your target audience”, etc., right? Yes, ‘right!’; that’s because, like many cliches, there is a lot of truth in this advice. “If you aim to please everyone, you’ll please no one.” Yes, yet another cliche. Again, very true. Whether you’re just at the… Continue reading
24 Feb
Getting the Best Bang for Your Content Marketing Buck
Everyone wants to get good value for money. At Prompt Proofing we’ve recently introduced changes that offer our clients greater options when it comes to spending money on content marketing. As said in last week’s post, unfortunately you can’t have everything, “Fast, good, cheap – pick any two!” So it’s really up to our clients… Continue reading
17 Feb
No, Sadly You Can’t Have It All!
You may be familiar with the constraint triangle. You can have it fast, you can have it cheap, or you can have it done well – pick any two. (But no, sadly you can’t have all three.) Actually, at Prompt Proofing we insist on doing things well regardless; therefore the combination of fast and cheap… Continue reading