It’s All About LOVE!

  February 14th may not appear very relevant to single people but in fact the day is really not just about couples any more, it’s about love. Love in all its forms, love for one’s parents, siblings, friends, classmates, pets – you name it – and, of course, love for a romantic partner. It’s also… Continue reading


Happy Lunar New Year! Welcome to the Year of the Monkey.

But wait, didn’t we just celebrate New Year a month ago? Well, guess what, now we have a second chance. Living in a diverse city such as Vancouver, where we have large Asian and Iranian populations, we actually get to celebrate three New Years: January 1, Lunar New Year (February 8 this year) and Iranian New Year… Continue reading


Happy Groundhog Day

Tuesday is Groundhog Day – a somewhat whimsical tradition where predictions about the length of winter are made according to the shadow cast by a cute furry rodent. The fact that this tradition is often celebrated in parts of North America where, at the beginning of February, six more weeks of winter are pretty much a given,… Continue reading


9 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

Does the idea of blogging fill you with horror? Do you already do it but not really see the point? See below for 9 reasons why blogging is an excellent marketing tool for your business and why it would be well worth your while to start a blog, if you haven’t already. 1] It can… Continue reading


The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is Writing Press Releases

Yes, that’s right! At Prompt Proofing we think that writing press releases is one of the last things you should need to worry about and that’s why we are happy to do it for you. Press_ReleaseWe know what’s involved in running a business and the best thing for any business owner is to know when… Continue reading
