Clarity in All Things

First, I should apologize for late posting; I was either in the air or in one of four airports on Friday this week so regular orders had to take precedence over updating the blog in the limited time available. As a direct result of this travelling, however, I was also inspired to interrupt my four-part grammar… Continue reading


Why Grammar is Necessary for Clarity – Part 3 Pronouns

Part 3 in our Why Grammar is Necessary for Clarity series deals with pronouns. Injudicious use of pronouns can cause confusion, to say the least, in your writing.   Consider a recent news headline:   Boy saves pet dog from bear attack by stabbing it with a kitchen knife   While we might guess at… Continue reading


The Not So Humble Semicolon

This oft-neglected punctuation mark actually has a couple of vital uses. There’s no need to fear the semicolon; it’s really quite simple. (See what I did there?) There are two reasons to use a semicolon. The first is to take the place of a period and link two related clauses. Related is the key word… Continue reading
